School Events
Eagle School is a great place to be ...
We're always busy with different events ...
At Eagle School we believe that learning extends beyond the classroom and so we provide enrichment opportunities and experiences which support and enhance the curriculum.
We provide so many different and exciting opportunities here at Eagle School which allow our children to gain new experiences and thrive. Sometimes they are planned by the teachers and take place in lessons, sometimes they happen through our collaboration with other schools and sometimes they are organised and led by our wonderful Friends of Eagle School or FOES as we affectionately call them.
At Eagle School we regularly participate in national events such as World Book Day, Children in Need, Comic Relief, Sports Relief and Safer Internet Day. We also connect with our rural community including celebrating Lincolnshire Day and give a performance of our Harvest to the village Fellowship Lunch.
Parents, families and friends are invited to assemblies held throughout the year where each class shares their learning or a relevant theme with the rest of the school and their families. We hold an annual sports day and combine this with an opportunity for families to picnic together on the school field.
Each class rehearses and puts on a performance each year connecting their project learning with the other skills of drama, music, song and design. Key Stage 1 performs a Nativity play, Class 3 performs an Easter play and Class 4 performs an end of year play.
Each year Class 4 pupils have cycle training with the government’s national cycle training programme Bikeability. They develop essential and potentially lifesaving skills to help them keep safe on their bikes on the road.
Class 4 also venture away from home on an annual Residential to an activity centre for three days. They join in a variety of outdoor activities such as zip wire, climbing, caving, giant swing, canoeing, obstacle course, night line, dungeon of doom and piranha pool. They overcome challenges and develop their independence and confidence. They have lots of fun too!
Eagle School has plenty of outside space where children can learn about the natural world through health and fitness, gardening opportunities and through forest school sessions. All children at Eagle School take part in a forest school programme where they have a month of weekly sessions in both the autumn and spring terms enabling them to have new, creative experiences in an outdoor environment in a safe way.
FOES have kept a busy, busy, busy calendar of events with Quiz Nights, Discos, Making Rooms, Bingo and their incredibly successful FOES Delight's Cafe, open every good weather Friday during the Summer Term. They also run two wonderful fairs every year, one at Christmas and one in the Summer ... look out for the banner and their advertisements.
Our most recent enrichment opportunities include:
- All pupils demonstrated their sportsmanship, team work and positivity at Sports day.
- Class Three learnt basic cycling skills to prepare them to become competent cyclists.
- The whole school went on a fun and educational visit to Anderby Creek. FOES supported the trip with ice-cream for everyone.
- FOES held an incredible summer fayre for the school and village communities, raising a tremendous £2565 to provide future resources and opportunities for all pupils to share in and enjoy.
- WOW active days held included table tennis, fencing and also athletics for an Eiffel Olympics Sports challenge. An Olympic dance workshop took place too.
- Our Forrest school programme continued with activities including seed planting and archery.
- Everyone brought in the creations that they had made at home to support their classroom learning. These were displayed in a project gallery for families to view.
- Class 3 put on a musical performance in Eagle Church to their families of their Easter Play “The Tale of the Three Trees”.
- The children grew sunflowers for World Down Syndrome Day and had assemblies to celebrate Down Syndrome. They learnt Makaton signs and used them to sing and sign to a Makaton version of “It’s a wonderful world”.
- The school dressed in red and had fun sharing jokes on Red Nose Day to raise £85 for Comic Relief.
- Children dressed up for World Book Day and decorated paper plates with literary characters.
- A sharing assembly for the whole school held at Eagle Church where each class shared examples of choral poetry reading with parents, family and friends.
- A sponsored pancake flip and an end of term disco both organised by FOES.
- A busy time in December... Key Stage 1 children performed a Nativity play and the whole school held a carol service at Eagle Church. The pupils had an enterprise week where they designed class logos, created a marketing strategy and produced items for sale at FOES’ Christmas market. They also displayed homework linked to their autumn learning topics in a project gallery and shared their skills at an end of term “Eagle’s Got Talent” show. Finally the whole school enjoyed a trip to the pantomime, courtesy of FOES.
- A CPR workshop for the whole school where the children learnt about what to do in an emergency including how to carry out CPR and use a defibrillator.
- The start of our forest school programme for all classes. Children have had four sessions where they made camp fires, investigated bugs and seeds, built dens and filtered water. Further sessions will follow in the spring.
- A residential for Class 4 at Kingswood activity centre, Dearne Valley where they had an action packed three days of non-stop activity. They had a super time.
- WOW Active sports days led by our sports provider Premier Education, part of a programme which will continue during the academic year.
- A visit by the Head Boy and Head Girl to Eagle Church Harvest festival service where they delivered donations collected by the school for our local foodbank in Hykeham.
- The school’s football club have played matches home and away with neighbouring schools.
- Parents of Reception children were invited into school for a phonics workshop to support their child’s learning.
- Class 4 children completed four days of cycle training, learning practical skills and understanding how to cycle safely on the road.
Highlights from last year include:
Class 4’s performance of “We’ll meet again”, a musical play about life as an evacuee.
A Victorian themed day for Class 2.
A Class 1 trip to the Active Arena in Lincoln.
School football club matches with Monks Abbey School.
A Class 3 trip to Lincoln Museum to learn about the Romans in Britain.
A Lincolnshire Show trip for the whole school to help us understand all that goes on in our county.
A special Coronation Celebration Day including a crown competition, a street style party and poetry performances from all four classes.