Clubs & Extra-Curricular Activities
Before & After School Activity Club
We offer a Before and After School Activity Club. The Before School Activity Club runs daily at a cost of £4 per session starting at 7.45am until the school day starts. The After School Activity Club runs Monday to Thursday from the end of the school day until 5.30pm at a cost of £8 per session. We try to be as flexible as possible but ask that bookings are made on a Friday for the following week for us to arrange staffing.
Please click here for Before School Booking Forms and click here for After School Booking Forms. Please click here for a copy of our Before and After School Club contract.
The school accepts Tax-Free Childcare and Childcare Voucher payments made for block bookings for each term for the Before and After School Club. Please contact the school office on [email protected] for further details. |
Information on claiming tax-free childcare can be found at including how to check your eligibility and how to sign up for an online childcare account for your child.
Extra-Curricular Clubs
We offer a variety of extra-curricular clubs and activities across the year for the children to enjoy and enrich their learning experiences. Some of the clubs are for the whole school and others are for particular year groups (based on age requirements etc.). Each term the list of clubs on offer changes. We ask the children for new ideas about clubs they would like us to introduce and we try to incorporate as many of these ideas as possible.
We want all children to have the opportunity to take part in clubs and so we have different types of clubs which take place throughout the day:
Mini-Clubs are run at break times |
Lunch Clubs are run during lunch break |
After School Clubs are run after the school day |
Some clubs are delivered by members of staff who are generously offering their time, after school or during their break times. Other clubs may be delivered by external, specialist providers.
In order to get the most out of clubs, it is expected that children commit to their chosen club and attend as often as possible whilst the club is running.
Letters to register for clubs will be sent home each term containing club information and include any costs, information or registration details.
These are the school clubs which are planned for the 23-24 school year and the terms in which they will run:
Please note that clubs offered may be subject to future changes.
Click here to visit our Gallery and see pictures from current and past clubs.
Clubs on in Term 6 (June - July):