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Eagle School CurriculumICE

Inspiration and Creativity at Eagle

'Project' based learning ~ cool as I.C.E. ...

We have developed an engaging curriculum approach to enthuse our pupils by Providing Real Opportunities for Joint Education through Challenging Tasks ~ ‘Project’.  We have based our philosophy on the Mantle of the Expert approach in which our pupils become the experts in their chosen field of study. Pupils take responsibility for their learning and solve problems which emerge as they journey through the twists and turns of the Project.

We take advantage of our knowledge of pupils’ preferred way of learning to aid their grasp of new concepts through lessons which immerse pupils into the context of the learning; both through the visual display, the environment, an artefact or scenario and the activities the pupils engage in.

This enables thinking skills to be developed across the curriculum by empowering learners to own and personalise both their independent and co-operative learning, develop skills of research and investigation, learn to self-assess and to have a positive sense of self as an active learner of key skills as guided by their class teacher.


Click here for examples of some projects completed so far, check out the Class Pages or call to find out more.


For detail on our core subject coverage click on the links below as applicable to the Key Stage:

Foundation Stage               Key Stage 1               Lower Key Stage 2               Upper Key Stage 2


We endeavour to deliver as much learning as possible through our Project approach but there are times when we deliver discrete and technical level lessons to cover subjects which stand alone at times or to ensure that core skill levels will enable the children to apply their knowledge successfully.  All of our teaching references the programmes of study in the National Curriculum:

EYFS                        English                         Maths                        Science                     Computing     

RE                            PSHCE                          History                      Geography                PE

French                     DT                                  Art                             Music


We use the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds phonics scheme at Eagle. 

Please click on the image for further information and parent resources.

 Little Wandles Resources - Cupernham Infant School

Please click to view slides from a Little Wandle Parent Presentation

Below are several links to pages which may support some of the technical aspects of learning:   

   Rhino Readers - a Guide for Parents


  Handwriting Style                                                    

  Times Tables       

   Amazing Writing Advice                                         


   Online Safety        

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